Thursday, November 18, 2010

Water Boy Car Wash Logo

Stage 1: Sketches

Stage 2: Illustrate and Design

Stage 3: Final Selection and Selecting Color

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Product 3D Animation

Animation for Brylcream Hair Gel

Animation for Mantou


TV Commercial in Animatics Form:

TVC for Mentos

TVC for Pensonic Sandwich Maker

Maya Animation

Maya Animation - Dynamic

Flash Animation

Flash Animation for Self Promo

Video Shoting

Public Service Announcement (PSA) video shoting

Just Wear It

MMU Promo- Faculty of Creative Multimedia

Video Shoting and Editing

Child Abuse Campaign Promo

Campaign Logo

Design the floor plan

Exhibition Profile

Artist Impression (Scale and Measure)

Complete 3D booth

Booth back view

3D booth Animation (Work in group of 3)

Promotional Flowchart (Activity inside the booth)

Stratergy (Promo the campaign)

Promotional Items (Free gifts)Campaign Print Ad 1
Campaign Print Ad 2

Vector Design

Vector graphic:

Vector drawing (Character Design):

Character Design 1- Birthday Card

Character Design 2

Character Design 3

Calender Series

Calender design for Year 2007 (For Assignment):

Task: 4 seasons of calender







Flyers for MMU Buddhist Society

Flyer of Faculty of Creative Multimedia in MMU- to pass the information to others

Designing Bookmark:

To help and safe the animals. (Design for charity)

T-shirt Design

T-shirt Design for school clubs:

Volleyball Club T-shirt Design

Secondary school class T-shirt design

Worker T-shirt Design (For Assignment)

Monday, December 28, 2009

3D Modelling

3D Modelling (For Assignments):

Product: Brylcream Hair Gel
Type of Advertisement: Floor Stand

Design in 2D first before proceed to modelling

Model in 3D

Different views

Character Design:

Character: Baby
Baby in T-posing

Baby Posing!


Graveyards modelling

Pylon modelling

Packaging Modelling

Food Modelling- Mantou

Booth Design

Booth Design (For Assignments):

This is one of my assignment which Designing the booth:
Company selected was Holiday Asia (Travel Company)

Booth Exhibition Profile (What should put inside the booth?)

Scale and measure (Artist Impression)

Model the Booth

Final booth- Mock Up

Poster Design

Poster Design (For Assignments) :

Poster for Sony MP4

Poster for Faculty of Creative Multimedia, MMU

Poster in web

Packaging Design 2

Another Packaging Design for the product- Mantou

Mantou Packing Design Layout- 2D view

Mantou Packing Design Layout- 3D view

Brochures and Catalogs

My Freelance job in

Brochures Design:

Catalog Design for Best H2O Filter Company

Catalog 1

Catalog 2

Promotional Catalog

Festive Catalog